Eco Schools

As a school committed to caring for our environment we currently hold an Eco Silver Award and are working towards the most prestigious Eco Green Flag Award.  Situated in beautiful grounds within the South Downs National Park, we pride ourselves with strong links with our local community including the Lavant Allotment association who support us with our own plot.  Produce grown in our own raised beds within the school grounds, are used for 'Grow Cook and eat' projects which help our pupils to understand about the benefits of locally grown organic produce.  Sometimes our home grown chickens housed at Lavant House Academy, are lucky enough to receive the leftovers!  Native spring flowers are grown in our wild flower memorial garden and recently planted Alder Buckthorn are encouraging Brimstone Butterflies. Our Eco Club have also helped to plant wild flowers in the local church yard as part of a local wild flower scheme.
Daily waste from our children's fruit and veg snacks are composted and used to replenish beds at our annual grounds morning. 
Solar panels installed in 2019, not only generate electricity for school use but also supply energy to other local government buildings. Energy generated and used is monitored daily.
We are part of the Terracycle writing implement scheme and are a local collection point for used writing implements. We have recently submitted 18kg for recycling, thus reducing landfill and its impact on the environment. In addition to writing implements, we support local charities with used bottle tops and used postage stamps.
As a 'Fair Trade' School we hold monthly Eco Fair Trade stall at the Brunch Café at our local church.    
As a Church School we value God's creation and wish to preserve it for our children's future.  As Greta Thunberg has stated 'No one is too small to make a difference'  

Love the wildlife

And plant more trees

Value the world

And flowers for the bees.

No single use plastic

To poison our seas.

Environmental protection,

Cut Fossil fuels

Opt for renewable energy.



Our Eco Code

We are the Eco Committee at Lavant C E Primary School. We are working towards helping the environment and helping the world to be a better place for plants, animals and us. We can do this by planting more plants and trees, recycling as much as possible, conserving energy, promoting healthy living -both physical and mental- and looking after each other.

We are a collection point for:

Milk bottle lids

All types of pens


Textiles (in our clothes bank.)

Please feel free to bring these to our collection point in the school foyer.