Ofsted Report

Our school was visited by Ofsted in the in the very last week of the summer term 2023. We are delighted that the inspector judged that we continue to be a ‘Good School’.

The inspectors were extremely complimentary about all they saw and heard on the day and were really impressed by the children’s attitudes to learning and determination to achieve their best.   The inspectors also highlighted our ambitious and engaging curriculum and strong achievement of pupils.

This is the first inspection of our school after a number of significantly turbulent years, made even more challenging as it was conducted in my absence. For our school to have maintained its strong sense of community, positive outlook and drive for continued improvement is well worthy of celebration.

A huge thank you and ‘well done!’ to all staff and governors who work tirelessly to provide the best possible education for your children. A special thanks also to you, the parents, who were overwhelmingly positive in conversations with the inspector and in your responses to the questionnaire. The inspector was incredibly impressed by the strong sense of belonging and partnership in school.       

To read the full inspection report please either click on the web-link below or the link to download the report in PDF format.
A paper copy of all policies and reports can be obtained at the school office if required.