Christian Distinctiveness

Our Christian vision, is inspired by the Gospel of John

.. to inspire and support every child (and adult) to aim for and achieve their very best, loving one another and ‘living life in all its fullness’ (John10:10).


As a Church of England School, this Christian vision is at the heart of all we do and is underpinned by our school values.

Love and Respect – Christian love and respect are at the heart of all we do at our school, shaping our decisions and nurturing a strong sense of belonging. We show these by following Jesus’ example, treating one another with compassion, kindness and empathy with a strong sense of gratitude.

Hope and Joy – We live life in all its fullness, showing positivity and having fun in all we do. We understand that faith gives us hope for now and our futures, and believe we can impact our world in a positive way. We look to find and celebrate hope and joy in all areas of our school life.

Ambition – At Lavant CE Primary School, we aim for our best in all we do. We are a small school with a big heart and we believe that we can all achieve amazing things if we approach our learning in the right way. We aim for every member of our school community to achieve their God-given potential.

Curiosity – Curiosity is key to our learning and spiritual development. We strive to be interested and inquisitive at all times, asking questions and searching for answers. We believe curiosity expands our minds and aids our spirituality.

Resilience – Through a growth mindset and resilient nature, no obstacle is too big for us to overcome. Building our resilience, empowers us to meet challenges with positivity. We don’t give up when faced with challenges; we approach life, and learning, with a positive, resilient attitude.


Everyone in our school is loved and nurtured by our team of dedicated staff. We believe that inclusivity, tolerance and respect are cornerstones of the Christian faith. Our ethos and practice is rooted in the teachings of Jesus, therefore all are warmly welcomed at our school, regardless of their own faith. 

As well as a daily act of collective worship, Religious Education is a core aspect of our curriculum and incorporates a percentage of teaching and learning about Christianity, balanced with the study of other World Faiths. To inform the structure of our RE curriculum, we use Understanding Christianity and The Emmanuel Project.  

Included on this page for further reading are:

  • The Church of England Schools Religious Education Statement of Entitlement
  • The West Sussex Agreed Syllabus for Religious Education
  • Our two year cycle for the teaching of RE
  • The Diocese of Chichester Collective Worship Guidance
  • Our Collective Worship Policy
  • Our Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural Development Policy