Charity Support

Throughout the year all members of our school community take part in a range of activities to support and raise money for charities, both local and national. 

As a school, we support the following charities every year: 

Chichester Foodbank - Our children and families are very supportive of this local charity sending in tinned and packet food each Harvest as donations. 

The Children’s Society- In partnership with Lavant Church - children are set the challenge to fill a cardboard Money box to raise money for The Children’s Society, who ‘provide specialist support that empowers young people to make positive changes and rediscover their hope’. The money raised is presented to the Children’s Society representative at our annual Christingle Service. 

Rotary Shoebox Scheme - Each Christmas our children make shoe boxes full of gifts for girls and boys around the world.  This year our shoe boxes provided gifts for children in Ukraine, whose lives have been shattered by the current conflict. To see footage of children receiving their gifts click on the following link.

New for 2024 – We are delighted to be partnering with Lavant Church to support ‘Grassroots’ Trust, a charity whose mission is to ‘relieve poverty wherever we can and tell people about Jesus through word and deed. This new initiative is run by our children and and funded through our pupil run tuck shop.  This project will enable each year group to sponsor a child follow their journey as they experience a very different childhood and education.  More can be found about the Grassroots Trust by clicking on the following link.