About the Friends of Lavant Primary School

WHO are we?

Established for a number of years now, The Friends of Lavant is a charity fund raising committee. Once your child starts at Lavant C.E. Primary School you are automatically a member of the Friends. The Friends is also made up of people from the village community and anybody who has any contact with the school. We have official committee members and also helpers. These are made up of parents mostly mums, however we are very lucky to have some dads and grandparents helping out too.

WHAT is our purpose?

• Develop extended relations between staff, parents and the community
• Engage in activities which support the school and advance the education of pupils 
• Provide resources and facilities for education, not provided by statutory funds, as determined by the school.

WHAT do we do?

We raise funds for the school, we do this by organising various events. Below are some of the fantastic events we hold regularly:-

Christmas Fayre
Easter Egg Hunt
Summer BBQ
Discos (Christmas & Summer)
Spring & Autumn Jumble Sales
Mothers and Fathers Day Sales
Cake Sale
Grounds Clearing days

Each year with the money raised from our various events we are able to fund many projects including:- 

  • LearnPad Tablets
  • Reflective Garden 
  • New Playground Equipment
  • Christmas presents & Easter Eggs for all the children
  • Provide transport which enables the children to go on school trips
  • Provide water bottles for all children
We also hold some non-fundraising events to bring people together including:
  • Spring and Autumn Grounds Day (Gardening, painting, etc.)
  • Refreshments for parents at the Christmas Music Assembly 

HOW can you become an active member of the friends?

The success of the Friends depends entirely on the support of all parents and staff. We greatly appreciate any assistance; this can be anything from a little time spent helping out, to coming along to support our functions with friends and family.

As well as raising funds for the school our Friends activities are enjoyable and we hope that they are a good way for people to meet each other. Contact any member of the friends committee or just come along to one of our meetings.