About us
Lavant C.E. Primary School is a co-educational primary school catering for children from 4 - 11 years old. The school is situated at the heart of the Downs, north of the City of Chichester. It is a Church of England Controlled school which works closely with the L.A. the Parish, the Diocese and community organisations.
There has been a school in the village since the late 19th Century and the original buildings in East Lavant were only decommissioned in 1985 when the whole school was brought together on its current site.
The current accommodation consists of 4 classrooms, a range of shared learning spaces, a hall which is well equipped with gymnastic apparatus, a library and curriculum kitchen.
Additional accommodation enables those children with special needs to work in individual or small group situations when required. Support is also provided within classes where appropriate.
The school has fantastic grounds including a hard surfaced play area as well as a large field. The playground is clearly marked out for a variety of sports and games. Our patio area is well furnished with picnic benches and umbrellas enabling children to play table top activities and eat their lunch outside in the warmer months. The school has environmental areas including a wild garden, willow dome, forest area and outdoor classroom. There are also a large number of shrubs and trees which provide study material for a number of curriculum topics and fosters a love of nature. Children can also take time to reflect in our Coast to Countryside reflective garden.
The school is very much a focal point of the village and the wider community.
We believe that the children who join our school should feel they exist in a secure, happy and caring environment guided by adults who invest time in dealing sensitively with each individual whilst developing strong working partnerships with parents. We foster a family atmosphere throughout the school, communally sharing concerns and celebrating successes. We all take equal responsibility for the every day care of our working environment and the development of positive relationships within it.
All members of the school actively involve themselves in the social, academic and emotional development of the children. Through close teamwork and effective communication we provide a consistent approach to pastoral care enabling the children to work, learn and play in a positive and welcome environment based on mutual trust and respect. We expect the school's code of conduct to be clearly understood and practised by all members of the school community. A high standard of behaviour, appearance and manners are required at all times.
We have your child's needs at the focus of our work. We endeavour to ensure that your child can read effectively, can express himself or herself fluently through the written and spoken word and is confident with basic mathematical concepts. Through our carefully structured teaching programmes we will ensure your child will work with a sense of purpose and enjoyment in a wide range of subjects.
We aim to develop a close partnership with you as parents as soon as possible. As well as providing regular communication, the school also welcomes contribution to the school and creates opportunities for you to help in class, with visits or with any of our clubs.
We aim to make your child's primary school life with us challenging, happy and stimulating in order for them to achieve the highest standards possible across the whole curriculum.