
The admission policy of this school is common to all county and controlled schools in West Sussex.

Lavant C.E. Primary School is in the Southern Education Area of West Sussex and admits children from 4 - 11 years. If you wish your child to join Lavant C.E. Primary School you should apply to Pupil Admission Team, Admissions South, Bridge House, Floor 3, Barrington Road, Worthing, West Sussex, BN12 4FP. Tel: 033 301 42903. A member of the team will consult with the head and governors before making a decision regarding the application.  Further information can be found on West Sussex County Council website -

In common with other local primary schools, all children will be admitted at the beginning of the school year in which they will be five years of age.

We consider each child as an individual and work with you and the early years setting in order to ensure the smoothest transfer possible.

Parents are most welcome to visit the school at any time. Please telephone for an appointment.

A home/school link is established. The Early Years Leader and Headteacher contacts all parents and children in the term before the children are due to start and tries to visit them in their own home. The children are then invited into school together to share some activities and begin to know what school is like and to get their bearings. The school also liaises with local feeder pre-schools.